Switching to Gulp 4
Although I also use NPM scripts on some projects, I have a soft spot for Gulp, mainly for its streaming ability, speed and easy to read configuration files. I have recently moved to Gulp 4 and wanted to share my experience.
The good and the bad with Gulp 3
What I really enjoy about Gulp is that you can leverage your Javascript chops to create your build script. As a front-ender this is just great. For the most part, you can also use ES6 syntax with Gulp natively now, which is a bonus.
Gulp is also quite fast, and its ability to use streams and to pipe operations one after another means you do not need much access to disk, which makes it quite fast compared to NPM scripts. It is also a lot better than webpack to handle static assets like CSS or images. I also find even complex gulpfile.js
scripts easy to read and modify.
On the negative side, Gulp adds an abstraction between your scripts and the NPM packages and libraries you use. NPM scripts let you use the package directly, without the need to have it wrapped in a Gulp plugin. You are always able to use the latest version of the library or package and, in most cases, you just use the CLI coming with the tool you want to use.
Another pain point I have with it is that to clearly specify which tasks you want to run in sequence, and which ones you want to run in parallel, you had to fiddle with task dependencies or with plugins like run-sequence
Changes with Gulp 4
Here is a quick summary of the major changes I made to build scripts when migrating to Gulp 4. I tried to keep changes to a minimum. Let's go over a simple gulpfile (the one used on this website) to see what changed. Have a look at the full file on Github if you want an up to date version.
Modules, import and export
I didn't switch to ES6 modules (imports and exports) as they are not yet supported natively in Node. You can use Babel as explained in the docs if you fancy doing that. Basically, I only switched from var
to const
here, nothing more.
const gulp = require("gulp");
I also started using CommonJs exports instead of gulp.task
to expose tasks to the CLI.
exports.css = css;
Plain named functions
Instead of the traditional gulp.task
we all use with version 3 to define our tasks, I use simple named functions with no dependencies. One thing to pay attention to is that, with Gulp 4, we need to explicitly signal task completion for each function. You can do that in six ways: return a stream, return a promise, return a child process, callback, return an event emitter, return an observable. If you do not do it properly, you will get the infamous "Did you forget to signal async completion?" message in your console and the task will not complete.
Here are some examples of the functions I use on this very website. They use the most common ways to signal async completion.
// BrowserSync (callback)
function browserSync(done) {
server: {
baseDir: "./_site/"
port: 3000
// BrowserSync Reload (callback)
function browserSyncReload(done) {
// Clean assets (returns a promise)
function clean() {
return del(["./_site/assets/"]);
// CSS task (returns a stream)
function css() {
return gulp
.pipe(sass({ outputStyle: "expanded" }))
.pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" }))
.pipe(postcss([autoprefixer(), cssnano()]))
// Lint scripts (returns a stream)
function scriptsLint() {
return gulp
.src(["./assets/js/**/*", "./gulpfile.js"])
// Transpile, concatenate and minify scripts (returns a stream)
function scripts() {
return (
.pipe(webpackstream(webpackconfig), webpack)
// folder only, filename is specified in webpack config
// Jekyll (returns a child process)
function jekyll() {
return cp.spawn("bundle", ["exec", "jekyll", "build"], { stdio: "inherit" });
I then reference these functions using CommonJS exports module notation to expose them to the CLI and give them a name. Some tasks, like clean
for example, might not need to be exposed and are kept "private" only to be used in the context of other tasks.
// define complex tasks
const js = gulp.series(scriptsLint, scripts);
const build = gulp.series(clean, gulp.parallel(css, images, jekyll, js));
// export tasks
exports.js = js;
exports.build = build;
exports.default = build;
Newcomers for dependencies management
The biggest advantage of migrating to Gulp 4 for me is the addition of gulp.series
and gulp.parallel
used above. These two are giving us a lot more control on the order in which we want our tasks to be executed and are also a lot more explicit.
Since they can be nested it is a very straightforward and flexible dependency management system for our tasks.
All in all, I really like Gulp 4 and its increased readability and flexibility. If you want to dive in a bit further, I wholeheartedly recommend Joe Zimmerman's "The Complete-Ish Guide to Upgrading to Gulp 4". The full gulpfile used by this website is also available on Github if you want to check it out.